We Gather Every Five Years at "Quinquennials"
Every five years we gather to share our common heritage. Attendees constitute an uncommon and unique mixture of those descendants who have not wavered from their Amish and Mennonite roots, and those who have modernized and blended with today's modern world. It is always a moving and educational event that only takes place once every five years, so descendants will not want to miss it!
JHFA's first quinquennial meeting was held in 1988 at the Elkhart County Fair Grounds in Goshen, Indiana. Subsequent quinquennial gatherings have been at Kidron, OH, Accident, MD, and Kalona, IA. The first attracted an estimated 1,200 family members and subsequent gatherings have attracted 600 to 800 members. This 5th Quinquennial's attendance figure was consistent with these past numbers and our 6th Quinquennial, which was held in Mifflin County Pennsylvania in July of 2013, was our best gathering to date!
Belleville, PA 2013

We're all family at these events. Young mingle with old, Amish chat with "English", and we all share in the common and wonderful legacy of an immigrant and his family that started it all.
The next event is officially approved to be held somewhere in Holmes County Ohio and will be held in the late summer months of 2018. So please put your vacation plans together with this in mind, so that you can get to know the greater common heritage you share with Amish, Mennonite, Quaker, and all degrees of Christian and assimilated faiths! You will see how similar we are even though our cultures and upbringings we very different! Don't miss it!